Tuesday, November 16, 2010

First Official Post!

Hello to everyone reading this blog.
My name is Murray Clark, I'm 19 and living in Australia.

Mt Hay - Blue Mountains, Australia

I have decided to create my very own travel blog after I was inspired by Lucas Cavalheiro Bueno and his blog. I recommend everyone reads Lucas's blog, its very interesting, full of useful information and excellent photos and videos. One would STRONGLY recommend it to anyone planning a trip to Europe, he's been everywhere man :)

In this blog I will be posting reviews, day by day accounts of my trips and useful information about the places I have visited.  I will also be posting information about trips and expeditions I am planned for the future with updates on their progress.

Where I Live - Blue Mountains National Park

My First Trip...

My first trip over seas was to Norway, United Kingdom and Holland on a MSC Cruise.
It was a excellent cruise that focused on the Norwegian Fjords and allowed you to participate in day tours hiking up and down the steep fjords and around quaint Scandinavian towns and cities. It was on the MSC Opera that I met Lucas, who at the time was a shore excursion guide on the ship.

Me & Lucas (left to right) - Bergen, Norway

MSC Opera - Flam, Norway

Me looking over Bergen (Photo by Lucas) - Bergen, Norway

I will be writing a full post on my trip to Norway soon. 
I have already booked another cruise with MSC Cruises that sets sail in March, more details coming soon.

Plans For The Future
  1. Road Trip around Australia stopping at all the major landmarks, natural wonders, historical sites and tourist destinations.
    Planned Route Around Australia - Postponed to mid 2011

  2. Komodo Dragon Safari
  3. Pricilla Road Trip - Katoomba to The Alice, via Yulara, return.

    More Coming Soon

    Don't be shy, leave a comment.

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